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DC Udhampur asks for close check on illegal prenatal sex selection practices

DC Udhampur asks for close check on illegal prenatal sex selection practices

 UDHAMPUR, OCTOBER-05:- Deputy Commissioner Udhampur Saloni Rai on Thursday presided over the District Advisory Committee meeting to assess the implementation of the PC & PNDT Act and the Clinical Establishment, Registration & Regulation Act, 2010.

The meeting took place in the Mini Conference Hall of the DC Office Complex, Udhampur, and was attended by several key officials including Senior Superintendent of Police, Dr. Vinod Kumar; Additional District Development Commissioner, Ghan Sham Singh; Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Anil Manhas and other committee members.

The meeting delved into numerous critical issues, encompassing the registration and renewal of ultrasound center certificates, enforcement of the Preconception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques Act, Labs, and Clinics, as well as the associated offenses and penalties.

Discussions also revolved around the Clinical Establishment Act, provisions for registration, inspection procedures, and mechanisms for monitoring and implementing the PC & PNDT Act, IEC activities etc.

During the meeting, it was emphasized that responsible authorities should conduct frequent inspections of ultrasound clinics, especially those located in remote areas, to ensure compliance with central Act regulations. Strict action should be taken against any defaulters found. Additionally, proper record-keeping of antenatal cases at all ultrasound centers in the district was emphasized.

The Deputy Commissioner asked for close check on illegal prenatal sex selection practices and called for advocacy and communication efforts to promote gender equality.

The committee members discussed ways to enhance Act implementation, such as organizing awareness programs in collaboration with NGOs and conducting workshops for ground-level staff at ultrasound clinics to educate them about the Act's provisions.

The CMO was instructed to grant provisional registration to clinical establishments upon fulfilling necessary formalities.

Furthermore, the CMO was tasked with conducting inspections of both registered and unregistered clinical establishments, and imposing fines and penalties on any defaulters as outlined in the Clinical Establishment Act.



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