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After "Bharshtachar Mukt J&K Week" next theme is "Corruption free society for development of the nation’ :CS,J&K

After  "Bharshtachar Mukt J&K Week" next theme is "Corruption free society for development of the nation’ :CS,J&K

SRINAGAR, SEPTEMBER 10: On the conclusion of the ‘Brashtachar Mukt J&K Week’ held first time in the UT between 4-9th September, Chief Secretary, DrArun Kumar Mehta reiterated that the fight against corruption is not a one-off event but a continuous process that needs to become integral part of our thinking and action.

He stated that the UT Administration does not believe in just symbolism but is committed to take this fight against the corruption to each and every household.

He observed that the corrupt practices are beneficial to only few individuals who amass illegitimate wealth but detrimental for the welfare of general public. He said that the society as a whole can progress only by defeating corruption in all its dimensions and forms.

He emphasized that the task has to be accomplished collectively by working hand in hand with the administration. The Anti-Corruption bodies like ACB and Crime Branch have to play their due role.

He highlighted that it is for these reasons that the theme of the upcoming Vigilance Week has been kept as ‘corruption free society for development of the nation’.

He stated that more than 22000 cases had been auto-escalated and 800 officials had been fined for violating the timelines stipulated under the act.



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