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LMD books 23 traders, imposes fine of Rs 53000 in Jammu

JAMMU, OCTOBER 27:- On the directions of Joint Controller Legal Metrology V.S. Sambyal a team of Legal Metrology officers comprising of Assistant Controller Pushkar Raj and Inspector Mohsin Khateeb conducted extensive market checking in  Ghandhi Nagar, Shastri Nagar, Bahu Plaza, Channi and adjoining areas.

During inspection the team checked several traders dealing with sweets, dryfruits, jewellery, clothing, toys, car accessories etc. The team booked 23 traders violating different provisions of J&K W/M Act and Rules and a composition sum of Rs 53000 was realized from the erring traders.

Joint controller LM Jammu has requested the consumers to register their genuine complaints on departmental Toll free number 18001807105.



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