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Tasaduq Mufti for comfortable seating in Public Transport

 SRINAGAR, NOVEMBER 08: Coordinator Chief Ministers Grievance Cell Tasaduq Hussain Mufti instructed the transport department to initiate a week-long drive against the Public Transport operators who have modified seating capacity in their vehicles causing  discomfort to the commuters.

The initiative was taken after Chief Minister’s J&K Grievance Cell received complaints from the commuters that the public transport especially buses and minibuses were having uncomfortable seating/leg space leading to difficulties for the commuters especially women on account of cramped spaces and congestion.

People  complained that the transporters are violating the norms and regulations prescribed for the seating capacity and size for their narrow personal benefits at the cost of the commuters comfort.

Taking cogninaze of these complaints a   week-long drive started on 6th November  at Pantha Chowk. During the drive seating capacity/ leg space in public transport was checked and several violators who had modified the seating capacity to the discomfort of the commuters were penalised so as to ensure deterrence for future violations.

The action of Coordinator Chief Minister’s (J&K) Grievance Cell was widely hailed by the general public.    



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