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PO arrested in Jammu for taking bribe of Rs 2 lakhs

Jammu : State Vigilance Organization (SVO) arrested a Senior Prosecuting Officer for demanding and accepting bribe of Rs 2 lakh for not arraying one person as accused in a murder case.

 As per  to handout issued , in the year 2014 Darhal Police registered a case under Section 302 RPC (murder), 34 RPC (conspiracy) and 201 RPC (destruction of evidence) against one Mohd Iqbal, a resident of Panaid in Kotranka Tehsil of Rajouri district, his son and daughter.

 The then Senior Prosecuting Officer in JMIC Court Thanamandi Ajaz Ul Hassan (presently Senior Prosecuting Officer Poonch) demanded and accepted an amount of Rs 2 lakh from Moulvi Mushtaq Ahmed for not arraying him as an accused in the case in which his father Mohd Iqbal, brother and sister were already behind the bars. 

The accused Senior Prosecuting Officer accepted the amount from Moulvi Mushtaq Ahmed in three installments. 

After completion of enquiry, it was decided to put the Senior Prosecuting Officer behind the bars for indulging in corrupt practices. However, on getting information about the plans of the Vigilance Organization Jammu the accused Senior Prosecuting Officer left Poonch few days back and booked a room in a hotel in Jammu to avoid his arrest. But his design was foiled by the sleuths of Vigilance Organization who conducted raid in the hotel and arrested him.



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