Jammu, Feb 28: In CCP(S) No. 281/2023 In WP(C) No. 2595/2021 titled Ramohan Lal Vs Parshant Goyal and Ors after hearing HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE JAVED IQBAL WANI, JUDGE ORDERED as:-
01. Compliance report/ Statement of facts have been filed by the respondents in response to the instant contempt petition, wherein the judgment dated 27.07.2023 is stated to have been observed in breach by the respondents/contemnors.
02. In the compliance report/ statement of facts, it is being stated that the respondents/contemnors under the direction of the Administrative Department have thrown challenge to the judgment in an appeal which stands filed.
03. Learned counsel for the respondents/contemnors fairly states that no order of stay in the said appeal has been passed by the LPA Bench.
04. Under these circumstances, the respondents/contemnors under the cover of filing of the LPA cannot delay the compliance of the judgment dated 27.07.2023.
However, two weeks as last and final opportunity is granted to the respondents/contemnors to report compliance of the judgment, failing which, coercive measures shall follow.
05. List on 18.03.2024. (JAVED IQBAL WANI) JUDGE JAMMU 26.02.2024