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J&K Govt to initiate inquiries against officers responsible for contempt proceedings: Efficiency can be detected actions on CCP(S) 153/2023

J&K Govt to initiate inquiries against officers responsible for contempt proceedings: Efficiency can be detected actions on CCP(S) 153/2023

Rajesh Gupta

Jammu, Sept 17: After so many instructions issued on timely filing of replies in various courts & other related matters to, J&K Govt has decided to initiate inquiry against officers responsible for contempt proceedings by not making right submissions before the courts.

In a high level meeting, it was observed that the embarrassment, which the Government is facing in the form of contempt petitions and adverse orders from the High Court as well as Subordinate Courts, is the outcome of the continuous carelessness of the concerned officers in the departments in handling the judgments/directions.

More so, the senior Government functionaries are made to appear in person before the courts to explain their conduct as well as the reason for non-compliance of directions.

It is the talk of the town , as it was also noticed that in most of the cases the orders passed by the High Court are not taken seriously and consequently filing of reply/compliance/status reports get delayed resulting in issuance of adverse orders against the Government.

Taking serious note of this regular & serious issue, instead of taking actions on defaulters as per previous instructions issued by him on the same issue, CS, again continuing the previous directions over the same issue, directed all the departments to identify and initiate inquiry against all such officers who are found to be responsible for contempt proceedings against the Government by not making right submissions before the courts.

It has also been decided that in case of any adverse orders from the courts on account of non-serious approach of the concerned officers they will be made liable to face disciplinary action including reflection of their conduct in the Annual Performance Reports.

Moreover, again following the previous instructions, the Chief Secretary directed Secretary, Department of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs to prepare a list of all court cases involving regularization of irregular appointments and immediately file a report to have the legal standing of the Government clearly defined/detailed that no illegal appointment shall be regularized in violation of law and the Constitution.

Pertinent to mention here that, Department of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs has time & again instructed all the Administrative Departments to ensure that directions/judgments of the courts are strictly implemented within time along with filing of replys within one month but never bothered to act for its non compliance to set right the system, no doubts is a proved case of failure on LAW Department, which is responsible for such matters.

However, Govt can see the efficiency  in one case listed today in Jammu High Court to see what the Govt would do, when CCP(S) 153/2023 was filed in WP(C) 94/2022 but WP(C) stands withdrawn & dismissed on 31st July, 2023 but CCP(S) stands alive? 

However, efficiency of  Revenue Department/DC Office Jammu/ Law Officerscan be seen from the viewing dates of filing replies no. of appearances of Govt advocates, filing of applications for early hearing for early disposals in the case No WP(C) 94/2022, WP(C) 1330/2023, WP(C) 2850/2022 & CCP(S) 153, which were filed by basic concerned on WP(C) 94 of 2022 & how added others as parties in CCP & had DC Office filed any application for it, which is on a case of fraud committed by Revenue Officers in according fraud permission/issuing fraud fards & fraud mutations with league of notorious land grabbers & DC Office acted by cancelling permission/mutations, which caused these litigations.



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