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Will send J&K farmers to learn modern cultivation techniques: VC Kissan Board 

JAMMU, July  28: Vice Chairman, J&K State Advisory Board for Development of Kissans, Daljit Singh Chib today called on Minister of Agriculture in Maharashtra Akash Pandurang Fundkar and  discussed the issues related to growth of Agriculture and Horticulture in Jammu and Kashmir. 

The Vice Chairman is on   five-day study tour to Maharashtra.

Discussing the prospects of agriculture growth with the Minister, Chib appealed him to provide   technical knowhow to farmers of Jammu and Kashmir. He also visited Mahabaleshwar and Nasik where strawberry, grapes and onions of high quality are produced respectively.         

The Vice Chairman said that the progressive farmers would be sent to Maharashtra to learn new techniques in the field of agriculture and horticulture for increasing their farm produce.



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